He gave us a sly little smile right off the bat, then decided to hold out on those the rest of the time :).

I just loved this little hat- and he did too by the looks of how comfy he was. Of course, it could be that he was snuggled on a warm, fuzzy blanket with a space heater blowing constantly.

The chillaxin' pose:

As cute as that hat was, it was time to get some without it and show off that sizeable noggin!

This little frog hat was a wee bit less popular. Gotta love that crabby face! :)

Now onward to the neutral tones! He was definitely chilled out here after a quick snack break.

How great is this crocheted horse? What a sweet gift from his very talented great grandma!

Sweet little details...

Whatever you do, don't try to dress this little guy up in anything fancy- he's his daddy's son!

The happy family... Walker, you got the fist down, now time to practice that rebel yell!

I love you, sweet little guy, and I know soon you'll be as tired of Aunt Kim taking pictures of you as my own kids are! :)