Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Natural Vs. Studio Light

I recently went to an amazing workshop where we had a blast learning about using off-camera lighting.  Even though I had a couple of strobes, I ordered the one we used in the workshop, since it was more powerful and will let me play around with cool effects/making more dramatic images when working with (or shooting into) the sun.

Natural/available light is still and always will be what I love to use. 

Here are a couple examples with my willing kids as guinea pigs. (They are so used to it by now!)

Natural light using a very small reflector:
Kendra and Benny 4-2011 FB

First shots with one studio strobe outside with a 70% lighting ratio and off to side at about 45 degrees (please ignore my son's extreme bedhead! :):
Benny and Kendra 41511 FB

Which do you prefer? I think there are times for either look!


  1. love it! and love to know which lights you ordered...

  2. Hi Janine! I have a couple Alien Bees 400s, but I got one strobe - the Einstein 640 WS, a smaller softbox than I had (24x36) and the Vagabond Mini for portable power. I'm looking forward to playing around with them more!

  3. Natural for sure. I'm just not a big fan of flash and lights, unless its suppposed to be a fine art dramatic image.
