I was so glad to have my recent investment, not another lens, but a collapsible red wagon- where I could keep and tote all my stuff. Priceless! I definitely needed it- and it's always great when I don't have to do a scavenger hunt for lenses, etc in the grass after a session.
The family arrived with big sister ready to strike a pose (little sis was snoozing in the stroller, having fallen asleep on the way over- doh!)
Little sis had to be woken up and for a while there, she wasn't all smiles (understandably:)
Little sis gearing up for smiles to come:
But then look who decided to perk up afterall!
Ring Around the Rosie- so fun:
Little sis working it- what a cutie:
Running! (I love how mom and dad are taking a break from all the 'fun':)
Climbing trees- a great way to end the day (but the real treat was that the kids got to feed the ducks- pouting pic of big sis ready to feed them not shown :)
We weren't alone in taking advantage of this perfect day. I'm pretty sure there were about 4 or 5 other photographers and families in the same area that day, all having their own Piedmont Park adventure!