September is usually a bit of a crazy month for those starting back to school and trying to adjust to those early mornings and after-school commitments. The entire month was a bit of a blur for me, but it's time I catch up a bit! :)
This family is one of the reasons why I love photography- meeting some great people (and burning those extra calories running after their kids- ok, maybe just the 3, 2, and 1 year olds. :).
We took the posed portraits when I first got there- a small miracle indeed- all the kids looking in my direction and a split second of the youngest sisters holding hands!
I love the dad and daughters shots- it reminds me of how I wish I had more of my two sisters with my dad growing up. I think this is when the candy bribes started...
Now on to the little ones' favorite part of the day- bubbles and running around, because how long can you expect any kid to stay still and posed? (answer 2 milliseconds).
Check out the perfect bubble pop on this little guy's head!
A quick break from the action for one family shot- notice the little ones' sippies/snacks made it in at this point as well:
There were no bribes needed for these beautiful sisters.
I loved how the big sisters were with their little sisters- so sweet!
Raisins and sippy, but they were all looking my way- yey!
Saying goodbye until next time!