I got to meet up with a favorite family at a very popular spot a little while ago for 18 month pics of Chase and his big brother Bryce.
If you're a photographer, I'm pretty sure I saw you at Poole's Mill Park with us- it was the grand central of photo locations that day in my neck of the woods- though completely gorgeous with a covered bridge, creek, etc.
When we first got there in the morning, Chase was willing to sit for a couple of seconds (with cracker bribes)- cute smile!
Then Bryce got in a few before Chase realized he was sitting:
Taking our turn on the bridge- it was almost like an assembly line with others waiting to take pictures and we had to get a little creative keeping Chase in one place.
Luckily, another photographer helped us out by standing behind me and distracting the kids so that they were still for a couple of seconds- I'm thinking one of my kids will be an assistant next time!
Covered Bridge graffiti makes for a fun backdrop for smiley Bryce
There was a lot of chasing Chase and dodging the other families at the park.
In case anyone needs to clue as to when a photo session should be over- it's when your family picture looks like this!
I'm looking foward to seeing everyone in the spring when we celebrate a couple more birthdays (and get more running around in!:).