With a 2 year old, the goal is to keep up with them (and keep them active/having fun!). A typical two year old will not sit still long and pose, so get your running shoes on!
We started off with a little walk on the cold/windy day. She was definitely a trouper and cute in a hooded sweater (though refused an adorable hat, but hey, we learn to go with the flow)!
Can't go wrong with a walk with mom and dad (and parents get to avoid posing too! :)..
What a sweet smile...
A semi-attempt at posing- showing off her boots!
Before long, we had to get inside and warm up- and perform a little...
Mom and daughter- duet!
Encore! (at Fiona's direction)
What else does Fiona love to do (when she's not playing or conducting music?) Puzzles of course!
And games like 'Ring Around the Rosie'...
Two year olds have the right idea when it comes to having fun. Thanks for letting me spend the morning with you having fun myself! :)