I was thinking Landon wouldn't want to sleep so much being a little older, and typically it's the first two weeks where you have the best luck with fun posing, but it's amazing what keeping his nursery a scorching 90 degrees with the heating pad and space heater can do (ok, I'm exaggerating- but it felt like it!)
So the nap didn't last long, but it was great to have chances to capture those adorable, alert expressions!
This is kind of funny since Landon was through cooperating for the moment, but Dad kept up the happy face!
Now enter big brother Ryan (not much bigger- only 18 months), and with all kids that age, they don't sit still for long since bribery still doesn't really work that much at this age!
After stickers, peek-a-boo and attempts at candy bribes, we switched it up and took the casual and playful approach which we all enjoyed.
I'm sure by the time fall rolls around big brother Ryan will be more interested in his baby brother and eventually they'll be buddies :). How great it will be for these two little guys to grow up so close in age!
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