I figured since I usually try to keep babies warm with heating pads and space heaters inside, 95 degrees in the shade weather outside would work perfectly to keep those babies content!
Any guesses where mom and dad went to school?
Brother #1: Getting sleepy/content :)
Brother #2: Just chillin'
Hanging out in the faux fur:
Then came the adorable owl hats!
I couldn't leave without getting some of the cute nursery details:
The next day- more twins! An adorable boy/girl duo this time- and no longer sleepy little babies, but active, fun 2 year olds!
Quick family pics before it was off to the races:
Yes, to answer that question- getting two two-year olds in one place/facing one direction is like herding cats :)
When they are this age, it works best to run around after them than try to get them to stay still:
So sweet!
You follow them around long enough, you're likely to capture some sweet moments!
After the weekend of the twins, I went home to my two kids (over three years apart) and wondered why I thought one at a time was so hard! :)